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Let's reconnect, shall we?


WIFI? Check✅ ecological network? Loading🔄   

Repairing a relationship: What if I said that most problems we face in our day-to-day adventures are linked to our estranged relationship with the environment? Whether it was related to well-being, socioeconomic or political matter?

Well, y'all need to keep reading 😉


Step into the world of intersectional environmentalism where the mission goes beyond just pushing for the protection of biodiversity. It is about you, who is 'native' to this place we call home. It is about communities most impacted by the climate crisis.

It is about understanding why and why now. 


We are intersecting. Each microscopical part of ourselves is full of wonder and together, we can spark a miracle.

creator / biome web counsellor (?)

I am Sheetal Martine Joseph (SMJ), the human behind Native Planet: A multimedia journalist and content creator, who wishes for a tomorrow where we can still live purposeful lives while harmoniously coexisting with nature 🌿


Separating ourselves from nature? Let's stop pushing her away.

Say no to exploitation, of the people and the environment.

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